The DX Slack App is typically installed into a single Slack workspace. For customers that want to use DX across multiple Slack workspaces within an Enterprise Grid organization, DX can instead be installed at the enterprise level.
I'm a new customer and we use Enterprise Grid, how should we install DX?
When possible, we recommend installing DX for Enterprise Grid from the start to avoid needing to migrate later.
What should I do if I'm an existing customer and my company is migrating to Enterprise Grid?
Your DX account will continue working without any additional steps needed. If you want to use DX across multiple workspaces in your Enterprise Grid, you'll need to migrate your DX account through two steps:
Installing the DX Slack App for Slack Enterprise Grid
Requesting that DX migrate your existing data to your new enterprise account
How do I install the DX Slack App for my enterprise?
To install DX for Slack Enterprise Grid, go to your Slack Enterprise Grid dashboard and navigate to “Integrations” → “Manage Apps” → “Install an app”.
Search for and select the “DX” app from the App Directory, then proceed to installation:
Once your installation is complete, you’ll be redirected back to your Slack Enterprise Grid dashboard to select which workspaces to install DX to: